Wednesday, April 2, 2014

H E L L O ! !


This is my first blog ever! 

First of all, i want to introduce myself. Hi! my name is Marcella, but people call me Chen
and i looooooovvvvveeeeeee to EAT! ( and i know you too!)
I love cooking, baking, eating, and all things related to food!

In this blog, I want to share to all of you about every food that i've tried before, especially the interesting one. It can be snack, sweets, main course, or any request from you? ;)

I will give you a review about the food based on my experience, it can be the taste, the price, the location of the restaurant, or you can comment for anything you want to know about the food :).

I do this blog, because I love food and I want to share something I like to many people.
Food makes us happy, right? ;)
I hope this blog can give you some inspiration about food. 

Soo....are you ready to try something makes your TUMMY HAPPY??

Feel free to comment or ask something to me.

Don't forget to follow my blog!!
FB : Marcella Chen
Twitter : @cellachen
IG : cellac 


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